Sunday, November 18, 2007

Adoption Details

We don't have many adoption details at this time. The agency has said to plan on waiting about 2 years...but the good news that we are already 3 months into this 2 year wait. However, we do realize that after we are approved, we could receive a baby at any time. And we must be ready for anything! We may get about 8 weeks notice or we could get only a few days notice. It all depends on who chooses us and the situation of our individual adoption. We do know that we will be adopting domestically and probably a child from within the state of Tennessee. However, we are eligible to adopt anywhere in the U.S. We also know that we will probably be adopting a newborn baby of either gender and any race. We know that we will be shown to Birth Parents choosing adoption as a loving option for their child. At some point in time we will be chosen by a Birth Parent to become their child's Adopted Parents. We will be asked to review the entire Birth Parent situation and consider the child to become our own.
We are very confident that God is in control of all of this and are open to considering a lot of different situations. God brought us here and will bring our perfect child to us on His time.

You may also be able to help...please spread the word that we are an approved and waiting family in the state of Tennessee. You never know, your friend at work may have a cousin whose daughter has a friend who is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and not sure what to do. They may be waiting for the perfect family for their unborn child. Many adopted parents have become parents because of their friends and family mentioning it to the right person at the right time.

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